Monday, 9 April 2012

Unknown Secret of Overnight Success Revealed [Must-Read]


Hi friends, I m back with another post which reveals or un-hides the secret of overnight success.  Past one month I was very busy with my final year project but I reviewed many websites too which made me write a guide on secret of overnight success. We all know that there are individuals or group of bloggers who got success in no time. So we will focus on that unknown secret of success and try to reveal it.

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Thursday, 8 March 2012

How to Expand Shortened URLs [Websites and Browser Extensions]

At a point where the risk of getting malware is so high that we think twice before downloading an app or opening an unknown page. urlXray_thumb%25255B27%25255D  The shortened links make the situation worse as we don’t know where we will land after clicking the link. With the help of social media sites like twitter, facebook, etc, the shortened link services took the internet by storm. In this article, you will read about how to expand shortened links with the help of websites and browser extensions. This post will help you get smarter with what you click.

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Friday, 13 January 2012

How to Access Facebook from Mobile Without Internet

There is a big news for all Facebook users, now you can access Facebook from mobile without any internet connection.AccessFacebook%25255B8%25255D You can update your status, check updates without spending money on internet usage. This feature enables you to access your FB account from cell phones which do not have GPRS or internet functionality like Nokia 1100. Read on to know how to enable this feature and save your precious money!!

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Monday, 9 January 2012

Make Desktop Apps for Websites - Easy Way

Hi folks, I m back with another unique internet trick. There are many websites that we visit frequently. Normally people bookmark such websites but there is even a faster way to access websites using Google Chrome. Google Chrome offers ability to make desktop apps for websites. Opening websites with desktop apps gives more native-like experience as there is no address bar and other stuffs of a browser. Read to know the easiest way to convert a website into desktop application.

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Saturday, 31 December 2011

Self Reflection and Flashback on Blogging in 2011

2011 has been a year of startups for me. 2011falshback%25255B6%25255D  The most important of them is blogging. I started blogging (seriously) since June 2011. I never thought of taking SatisfyingReviews to such a height. This blog initially had articles on reviews of smartphones but soon I realized that there was a need of a blog that could give readers something unique. Satisfying Reviews not only achieved high ranks in Lucknow City but also got worldwide appreciation. Within 6 months, 17K visits and 750+ comments were recorded on blog. In this post, you will get all my secrets so that you can use them to grow your blogs in 2012.

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Sunday, 6 November 2011

From 40 million to 600000 on Alexa, in 2 months!

My aim was to choose a single resource (a blueprint) that will help me increase my blog’s readership. alexarank%25255B7%25255D  As a blogger I wanted to start with minimum traffic and build a blog that is taken seriously in blogosphere. The blueprint that I developed helped me to reach 600k from 40 million on Alexa in 2 months. It’s awesome for a new blog with only 42 articles. Well read on to know my schedule that helped me increase my traffic and Alexa ranking.

Sunday, 30 October 2011

Search Engines for Paranormal Activities and Public Records

While stumbling a few days back I found two unique search engines. UniqueSearchEngines_thumb%25255B6%25255D There is a genuine reason why I call them unique. This post describes two search engines – First, a search engine for Paranormal activities i.e. you can find any paranormal activity around the globe through it. Second, a search engine for Public Records i.e. you can find public records with it.


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Man Behind This Blog

I m Shan Ali, the founder of Satisfying Reviews. I m a Software Engineer, freelance writer on topics related to Website Optimization, SEO, blogger customizations, making money online and product reviews. I m blogging since 2010 and I m currently running two blogs.
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